_____________________________________________________________________ THE STRONG VERB IN GALILEAN ARAMAIC A reconstruction upon Kutscher, Fassberg, Odeberg, Stevenson & Dalman ================================================================================================ PEAL — k6thav (< #ktb) [1pl -nan; 3pl k6thávûn ~ kathbûn], Ipf. yi/y€xtôv, Inf. mi/m€xtôv .... 9@vadh (< #9bd) [1pl -nan; 3pl 9@vádhûn ~ 9avdûn], Ipf. ya/y€9bêdh, Inf. ma/m€9bêdh PAEL — katt-êv [1pl -evnan, 3pl -6vûn], Ipf. y6xattêv, Inf. m6xattâv-â ~ kattôv-€€ .... nâH-êm (< #nHm¹) [1pl -emnan, 3pl -6mûn], Ipf. y6nâHêm, Inf. m6nâHâmâ (Fassberg '84 p. 264) (H)APHEL² — (h)axt-êv [1pl -evnan, 3pl -6vûn], Ipf. y(6h)axtêv, Inf. m(6h)axtâv-â ~ (h)axtôv-€€ ......... (h)ašk-(é)aH (< #škH) [3pl -6Hûn], Ipf. y(6h)ašk(é)aH, Inf. m(6h)aškâH-â ~ (h)aškôH-€€ ITHPE — ithk6th-€v/-îv [3pl ithk6thávûn], Ipf. yi/y€thk6th€v, Inf. mithk6thâv-â ~ ithk6thôv-€€ ..... ist6m-€r/-îr (< #smr) [3pl ist6márûn], Ipf. yi/y€st6m€r, Inf. mist6mâr-â ~ ist6môr-€€ ..... idd6H-€l/-îl (< #dHl) [3pl idd6Hálûn], Ipf. yi/y€dd6H€l, Inf. midd6Hâl-â ~ idd6Hôl-€€ ITHPA — ithkatt-av [1pl -avnan, 3pl -6vûn], Ipf. yi/y€thkattav, Inf. mithkattâv-â ~ ithkattôv-€€ ..... izdåbban (< #zbn) [3pl izdåbb6nûn], Ipf. yi/y€zdåbban, Inf. mizdåbbân-â ~ izdåbbôn-€€ (pro PUAL — *Honn-an (< #Hnn) [3pl *-6nûn], Ipf. *y(å)/y6Honnan [Pa pp m6Honnan; cf. Od. § 51.]) ITTAPH — ittaxt-av [1pl -avnan, 3pl -6vûn], Ipf. yi/y€ttaxtav, Inf. mittaxtâv-â ~ *ittaxtôv-€€ (vs. (H)UPHAL³ — *(h)oxtav [3pl *(h)oxt6vûn], Ipf. *y(6h)oxtav) POEL/PALPEL — råwq-ên [1pl -ennan, 3pl -6nûn], Ipf. y6råwqên, Inf. m6råwqân-â ~ *råwqôn-€€ For other persons of the Pf. and Ipf., see www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/aramaic#Galilean_Aramaic (DERIVED STEMS: An Ithpe Pf. 1sg vocalised as _ithkathbêth_ is presented in both Marshall&Turner and Odeberg; Fassberg 1984 includes the Ithpe Ipf. 3pl form _y€thman9ûn_ [< #mn9] on page 260). For the Impt. forms, see e.g. archive.org/details/manualofaramaicl0000jtma/page/12 [Stem u > o!] For forms of the Inf. with Pronominal Objects (e.g. Pe _mi/m€xt6vinn-êh, -ah, -ôn_), see Fassberg 1984 pp. 243-244, Od. §§ 177., Stev. §§ 29.8., 29.9. (forms of the tenses and the Imperative : Stev. pp. 90-91). In addition to the phonetic development example of penultimate */a:/ known from Mark 15:34 (and the Pf. 3sg _ittôqam_ in Stev. § 32.), it behoves one to examine the above Pael, (H)aphel and Ithpeel infinitives also in the light of their cognates in the modern Western Aramaic of Ma9lûla (Fassberg 1984, page 244) : _quttola_, _muqtola_ and _mitq6tola_, respectively. In connection with transitive verbs, the Reflexive Object is expressable with 1sg _(l6+)garm-î / nafš-î_, 2sg masc. _(l6+)garm-âx / nafš-âx_, etc. ——————————————— ¹ Vowel lengthening instead of gemination for II-laryngeal (aka guttural) roots : Fassberg 1984 ..... pp. 257, 264; Od. § 67. ² See e.g. Stev. § 16.4. ³ Considering e.g. the observation on page 14 in is.gd/PQvW8s and pages 372-373 in is.gd/MlRTtE. ================================================================================================