
What would an Esperanto-like but more encompassingly Western European pseudo-koine look like, if it was morphologically more like an actual real-world language, and relied less on Latinate vocabulary and was less uncompromising about Esperanto's "one word-category = one suffix" concept (especially regarding nouns)?

acha, -ng [pl. echai, -ng] {nn} outdoor enclosure, yard, pasture [< WGerm. hag- influenced by the word below]
ach(e)r [pl. echir] {nn} field, acre
a/odeuther; sidhio(n); gordhio(n) {adv} then, after that, afterward(s)
-adrob/v, -athrob/v [pl. -edrÿb/v, -ethrÿb/v] {suff} Comparative Adjectives [< CGr.]
a/odvo, dirvo (topical); (i)eil-li (directing gaze) {adv} thereat
adentha/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to attempt, try
(a)dha, (a)tha; ge(n); go(d) [/g/ = pre-lenited /c/] {conj} that, dass
adh(-unt), ar-ud, -unt {prep} (in)to [L ad; Celt. *do] : see the entries ro(n) and -ud/-unt
-ae(n)/-vo; -li/-ri; en(d)-/em-/es- {suff} "in, at" Adverbs
-(w)esto [adj. -(w)esdron, -(w)ethron] {suff/prep} "in language X" [< CGr. -aïstí, -estí]
aew, -ed [pl. -id] {nn} culmination, prime, bloom, zenith, peak (abstr.) [< CGr. akmē]
aldri(w); nungwain {adv} never
amloth [pl. emlÿth]; a/ochost [pl. echÿst] {nn} leaf
ammar / ommar {pn} both
an / ion, ier, ied {art} Definite Article, i.e. "the"
andled [pl. endlid]; (o)rost (oroth-) [pl. (e)rÿst] {nn} face
andr-ob, -ub [pl. endr-ÿb, -uib] {nn} person, human
anech-, ianech- [inf. (i)a/(i)enechien] {vb} to endure (physically), survive, hold [< CGr.]
anwenna/o-; bruiga/o-; ussa/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to use, employ
aphna/o (+Cns.), fon (+Vowel); (d)ech, -ud {prep} from, out of
[-ar {suff} Dual noun (< pare-) = -(i)ent / -(w)aint (< Bret. skevent)]
ara; ró-chod/-bod {conj} so that
arav [pl. eraiv]; brâch, avranc [pl. braich, evrainc] {nn} arm
arch-an, -nod [pl. erch-ain, -nÿd] {nn} shoe [< Celt.]
ardh / iardh [pl. (i)eirdh] {nn} wine [< Bsq.]
asgab/ph- [inf. esgeb/phien] {vb} to create
astal {nn} steel
astor [pl. estÿr]; maureb [pl. moerib] {adj} large; great [#2 < Celt.]
[-athno {suff} Ablative Adverbs]
athr-a(s), -on; na gemmen/vaus(t); (i)endr-a, -eg {prep} behind (Celtic *ke(m)bno-, *māsto- "back, rear")
athrov; cemmenol/mostol {adj} rear
a/esgath [pl. esgaith] {nn} treasure
a/ethrand [pl. ethraind]; cust, -anc [pl. cÿst, -ainc] {nn} shore, beach
au; âuch [pl. oe; ôech] {nn} mouth [< Celt. & Bsq.]
audhor [pl. oedhÿr] {adj} desolate, uninhabited
âv [pl. avew, aiv] {nn} lord, master [< Cat. amo]
(m)baethal- [inf. (m)baethelien]; paea/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to pay
(m)baid, (m)bôd [pl. (m)beidwid, (m)bŷd] {nn} boat
(m)bain [pl. (m)beinwid]; (h)athgur [pl. (h)ethgÿr] {nn} bone
balchun [pl. -wid] {nn} balcony
(m)barn / (m)baran [pl. (m)bern / (m)berain]; teg(e)n [pl. tegin] {nn} child
(m)bawa [pl. (m)bewai] {nn} ring
(m)ber- [inf. -ien], (m)baera/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to carry
(m)berch [pl. (m)birch]; (m)bedul [pl. (m)bedÿl] {nn} birch
(m)bilth-ur [pl. -uir, -ÿr]; polthred [pl. pelthrid] {nn} image, picture
b/dinnon; dendr-a, -on; parna {prep} inside, within
biua/o-, búa/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to live; to dwell
(m)blanchui; leugui; uthrui {adj} white
(m)bodrug [pl. (m)bedrÿg]; uv(n)ag [pl. ÿv(n)aig, ûv] {nn} grape [#1 < NGmc. & CGr.]
(m)bolo, (m)bolch [pl. (m)belÿ, (m)bÿlch] {nn} bag [< Celt.]
(m)bosg [pl. (m)bÿsg]; selv, -ag [pl. silv, selvaig] {nn} forest
(m)braetha/o-; contha/o-, conod/th-¹ {vb} to tell, narrate || ¹ due to -tha- being a reflexive marker : i(o)er-tha-, par-tha-, etc.
(m)braetholt; conthad [pl. centhaid], conod/th {nn} story, tale, account
(m)brenga/o-; trasta/o- {vb} to bring
brî(th); haes (-s > -th- in compounds) {nn} wind [< Bsq.]
brui(o) {adv} briefly, in a minute, soon [< L brevī]
burthod (+Dat.); nanchod (+Dat.); (n)dev-/ennev- [personal vb] {aux} must, should
(m)buru, (m)burch [pl. (m)bÿrÿ, (m)bÿrch] {nn} town
cadangha/o- (d/th) [inf -nno] {vb} to break (tr.) [< CGr.]
caera/o-; (h)avra/o-, (h)amra-; achab- {vb} to love
caer-eg, -ol [pl. -ig, -ÿl] {adj} dear; expensive
cal-a, -ch [pl. celai, ceilch] {nn} penis; creative effort or energy [< Celt. *kalg-]
cammer (camra-) [pl. cemmir] {nn} room, chamber
canad-, cantha/o- {vb} to sing
canav [pl. cenaiv] {nn} boy, son, male child
canthov(u)n, cant [pl. centhÿv(ÿ)n, caint] {nn} song
câph, agoph [pl. caiph, egÿph] {nn} (heavier) box, storage [< Celt. kapp-o-]
carn [pl. cern]; sarch [pl. serch] {nn} flesh, meat
carreg [pl. -wid, cerrig] {nn} stone; (heavy) load
casd-ov, -un {pn} each, every (< CGr. hékast-)
castannui {adj} brown
cauba/o-; comra/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to buy, purchase
caudheg [pl. caudhig]; tôv/tóv(n)ag [pl. tŷv/tóv(n)aig] {nn} book, tome
caves(g) [pl. cevis(g)] {nn} head (influenced by Bsq. kasko)
cedher (cedhra-) [pl. cedhir] {nn} cedar-tree
celiun [pl. -wid, celiuin] {nn} tower, skyscraper [< Gaul. kelikn-]
cengl-un/gengl-un [pl. -uin] {nn} knee
c/servaith [sg. only] {nn} beer
cew / cui, -ed [pl. cewid / cuiew(n)] {int/rel pn} what; that (concept) which
cewanth-ev, -o {int} how much? (+Lenition or dos +nn)
cewellen [pl. cewellin]; tardh-as, -os [pl. terdh-ais, -ÿs]; (i)aldras [pl. (i)eldrais]; bradh(w)en [pl. bredh(w)in] {nn} evening
cewenc [pl. cewinc] {nn} cheek [< WGer.]
-chun, -arch [pl. -chuin, -eirch]; -ov(u)n [-ÿvn] {suff} Result-of-Verb Noun [or via Prefix: úl-, úr- (< Breton) +vb stem or vn]
cî / enchá; edhvo {adv} hereat
cidha; edh-es (avedh/edhren huius) [pl. cidh(a)ir; edhis] {dem pn} this
circh-ed [pl. -id] {nn} goal, objective [< Celt. kirk-o-]
cistÿn(n-) [pl. -ir] {nn} wooden box, chest
clinn-o, [-og] {adv} wholly [< NGmc.]
coer/caer [pl. -wid] {nn} season [< NTGr. kair- : JMJ p. 84]
colpha/o- {vb} to strike, hit
comma/o-; gwen- [inf -ien] {vb} to come
comman [pl. cemmain]; theged [pl. thegid] {nn} step [#1 < Celt.]
con(t), contha; (im)med {prep} with, beside
cosga/o- (c vs. g) {vb} to wash (< NGmc. & Bsq.)
costa/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to cost
co/cuvra/o- (v vs. m) [inf -nno] {vb} to desire, cover [< Celt.]
crissui / (n)grissui [pl. "] {adj} gray
crithl-ed [pl. -id] {nn} pebble (of gravel) [< WGer. kisil]
crodhwol [pl. credhwÿl]; dusgol / difisgol {adj} difficult
culched [pl. cÿlchid] {nn} pillow [< Celt./Gaul. kulkitā]
cunghan, cunwan [pl. cÿnghain, cÿnwain]; thagran [pl. thegrain] {nn} dog
cunust [pl. cÿnÿst]; arth [pl. eirth] {nn} art
cÿn(asga)-; fedhasga/o-; partha/o- {vb} to be born
cÿvÿn(n-), gÿvÿn(n-) [pl. -ir]; femm-en [pl. -in] {nn} woman
dâl [pl. dail]; ha(u)rand [pl. h(o)eraind] {nn} valley
dael(-adh, -ag) [pl. -aidh, -aig] {nn} pine-tree [< Gaul. daglā]
(d)an, (d)en (+Vowel); nâ (+Cns.) {prep} in; at
dann-ag, -ath [pl. denn-aig, -aith] {nn} pinetree [< WGer.]
dant [pl. daint] {nn} tooth
daul [pl. doel]; (g)lêd [pl. (g)lîd]; cuin-iav [pl -iaiv] {nn} part, share, portion [#1 < Celt. *dāl-]
daur, dangun [pl. doer, dengÿn] {nn} day
delia/o-, dalcha/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to hold [out ?] [#2 = 'to hold' < (M)Bret.]
dendr-un [pl. -uin]; gwidh-iadh [pl. -aidh, collective gwîdh] {nn} tree
derch [pl. dirch]; (m)baeag [pl. -wid, (m)baeaig] {nn} berry [#1 < Gaul.; #2 < Bsq. & Occ.]
desd-ren [pl. -rin] {adj} right(-hand), on the right
dew(e)r [pl. dewr-ew(n), -aith]; muil [pl. -aith] {nn} animal
dil; gon, ion (in adverbs: o(n)-, av-) {prep} of (Genitive)
dirdhon; beisi-a, -on; sauda {prep} under, beneath
d(i)reith {nn} direction
dos(s) {prep} All-Purpose Preposition (= Esperanto je)
dosga/o- {vb} to honor, favor, side with [< CGr.]
-dov/-deb [pl. -dÿv/-dib]; -ossov [pl. -essÿv] {adj suff} Ordinal Numbers
drauth [pl. droeth] {nn} trait, quality
drossa/o-, drosta/o- {vb} to dip; to baptize [< CGr.]
drung(d)ev {adv} aplenty, much [< Celt.]
(n)duir-or [pl. -ÿr] {adj} expensive
duith-er [pl. -ir] {nn} daughter
dûn [pl. duin]; muin-ub / moen-ub [pl. -ÿb] {nn} mass, mound, heap, hill [#2 < Bsq.]
duv(u)n (duvna-) [pl. dÿv(ÿ)n]; mond [pl. mÿnd] {nn} world
(n)dÿn- [inf -ien]; (n)dÿnna/o- [inf (n)dÿnnu] {vb} to be able, can
(n)dÿnuith [pl. -wid]; (n)dÿnn-ad [pl. -aid] {nn} ability
dÿneidha-; echelia/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to enable, make capable [#2 << Bsq. ahal]
echiarth [pl. echierth] vs. igraidh [pl. -ew(n)] {nn} heart
-(ed)enc [pl. -(ed)inc], -(ad)anc [pl. -(ed)ainc]; -(w)arn [pl. -(w)ern]; -(i)ond/-(i)und [pl. -(w)ÿnd] {suff} -orium, i.e. "Place-of-..ing" Noun [#1 < Bsq. -tegi; #4 < Bsq. sutondo]
edest [pl. edist] {nn} forehead
eil-es, -eu (N iend) [pl. eil-is, -iw (N ienn(a)ir)] {dem pn} that, it
e(i)ria/o- {vb} to hinder, prevent [< CGr. (with Glc. erga)]
elt; [countable] eled [pl. elid] {nn} fire, flame
elv(ur) [pl. elvuir, ilv]; onnud/dh [pl. ennuid/dh]; pothov [pl. pethÿv] {nn} river
em(me)ril [pl. -wid] {nn} bucket [< WGer.]
e(m)ph-enc [pl. -inc]; finger = diwed (fingra-) [pl. fingir = diwid] {nn} finger
emros(t); iaur(-on, -eg) {prep} before, in front of [#1 < CGr. émprosthen; #2 < Gaul. *āre- & Bsq. aurretik]
-end, -and (N); -issen/-isten, -assen/-asten (S); (intr only) -onneg {suff} Active Participle [S with the Inf. stem of the vb (ag- > eg- etc.)]
endra-, iendra-; rí-, rý- {pref} re-, again [< NGmc.; Lat.]
enerth [pl. enirth] {nn} strength, power [< Celt.]
enn, -o; bae, -(n)o {conj} than
-eph, -aph; (after -ch, -ph, -th) -ugen, -agun {suff} Target-of-Action Noun (i.e. "that which is usually ..ed")
-ern, -ren/-ron (-len/-lon) [pl. -irn, -rin/-rÿn] {suff} "At, In, During" Adjective
-erth [pl. -irth], -orth [pl. -ÿrth]; -eg(r) [pl. -ig(r)], -og(r) [pl. -ÿg(r)] {suff} Adj./Participle of Transitory Characteristic
-erv, -a/orv {suff} "Multi-part Component/Fuel Used for ...ing" Nouns [< Bsq. ikastaro]
esber- / sebra/o-; elpheidia/o- {vb} to hope, wish for
-esg / -essog [pl. -isg / -essÿg] {suff} "made from substance X" adjectives [< Bsq.]
esgad-ov, -eb [pl. esged-ÿv, -ib] {adj} final, last
esgen-ol, -ui [pl. -ÿl, -ui] {adj} strange, foreign [< CGr.]
esgla/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to ascend on foot, to climb by walking
esglaph [pl. esglaiph = esgal] {nn} stair, stepping-stone
esgwir [pl. -(i)ew, -iaith]; (cad)aegorn [pl. (ced)aegÿrn] {nn} squirrel
estel- (esdla/o-) {vb} to send [< CGr.]
ethr-ed, esdr-ed [pl. -id] {nn} street
eudh-a, -o {conj} or
-eulob; -auleb; (m)bawor/duinor ..uith/..aeth [duin- < L -dignus] {suff} "-able, -ible" Adjectives
-ev (-dev, -thev); -antho/-onnui {suff} Adverbs of Quantity
-ew(n), -iew(n); -(i)aiv {suff} Regular Plural of 'Male Animate' Nouns
faeth [pl. -wid] {nn} fact
fan- [vn. fanuith]; fanna/o- [inf fannu] {vb} to fare forth, walk (intr.) [< WGer. *fanûī]
far- [inf ferien]; ionga/o- {vb} to go
fath(ra/o)-; comren-, comrenna/o- [inf comrennu] {vb} to understand
favna/o- {vb} to embrace
feu(ch)-ant [pl. -aint] {nn} escapist; refugee
fiadl(-en, -ub) [pl. fiedl(-in, -uib)]; orvont [pl. ervÿnt] {nn} mountain
flommen [pl. flemmin]; (n)gunth-am [pl. -aim] {nn} flood
fond-rad, -rod [pl. -raid, -rÿd] {nn} depth, profundity
fonga/o-, fengia/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to get, obtain
fordhon(na)- / sÿngdhon(na)- {vb} to forgive
forn-ol, -ui [pl. fernÿl, "] {adj} ancient
foss-ub, -awab [pl. fess-uib, -ewaib] {nn} waterfall
frath- [inf. frethien]; frasta/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to utter, pronounce [< CGr. fraz-]
freg(ia)-; riuntha/o- {vb} to ask, inquire, seek an answer
fremma/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to promote, put forth, cause to go forth (tr.)
freutha/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to be able to go, get forward, move forward (intr.)
fruith-or; fruidh-or [pl. -ÿr] / uphrui {adj} cold
fuirio(n); eithon {prep} outside, beyond
(n)gammol, (n)gommol [pl. (n)gemmÿl] {adj} old, senior [of animates; in contrast to tha(u)chor "old" (of abstracts, items)]
ganad [pl. -eu, genaid] {nn} boy [< Celt.]
ganath [pl. genaith]; nesgÿn(n-) [pl. -ir] {nn} girl [#1 < Celt.; #2 < Bsq.]
(g)annor / hannor [pl. (g)ennÿr / hennÿr] {adj} (an)other; second
garthur / iarthur {nn} responsibility, care [< Bsq.]
(n)gathas [pl. (n)gethais] {nn} salt [< Bsq.]
(n)gauthor [pl. (n)goethÿr]; a/omrov [pl. emrÿv] {adj} good
genuith / (n)ginnaeth [pl. -wid] {nn} birth, genesis [Lenition of /g-/ >> /j-/ = "y-" ?]
(n)gerr-ad [pl. -aid] {nn} war, conflict
(n)gev-; donia- / ródha- [inf. -nno] {vb} to give
(n)gídh-un [pl. -uin] / -an [pl. -ain] {nn} 'dude', fellow, individual [< Bsq.]
gion-uth [pl. -ÿth pro -uith]; iara/iarch [pl. ierai/ierch]; uphuth [pl. ÿphÿth] {nn} light, brightness [#2 < Bsq.]
(g)larvolt, (g)lavrad {nn} (making of) noise, noisiness
(g)laud [pl. (g)loed], -olt/-ad {nn} praise, commendation
glêd [pl glîd] {nn} section; area of the body etc.
(n)glein-iag [pl. -iaig] {nn} hen
(g)leph-ed [pl. -id]; (g)lethw-as (mt. < -φt-) [pl. -ais] {nn} moment, minute [< Gr.]
(g)lesta/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to read
(n)glûth, ongloth [pl. (n)gluith, englÿth] {nn} tongue
(n)godhia/o- [inf. -nno/u] {vb} to drive = steer
(n)golthui; avrellui [pl. "] {adj} yellow
(g)onost / ionost (-st > -th-) {nn} ship, large boat [< Bsq.]
gortha/o-, gorod/th- {vb} to lift, raise [< Bret., Bsq.]
(n)gorwain / iorwain, len gestern {adv} yesterday
(n)graudi; (a)esger, (a)esgrad {nn} thank-you
(g)reupha/o-, (g)reutha/o- {vb} to belch, burp
(n)grib-enc, -weph [pl. -inc, -wiph] {nn} handle
(n)gûth [pl. (n)guith] {nn} voice
guiwath [pl. guiwaith]; ionthed [pl. ienthid] {nn} seagull [#2 < Bsq.]
gÿn-wadh [pl. -waidh] {nn} female (creature)
gwagor [pl. gwegÿr]; a/omrov [pl. emrÿv] {adj} beautiful (by sight & by character, respectively)
(n)gwair (Acc. gost; Dat. go(ssu)nt); S nuiech (Acc. nost) {pn} we (Nom.) [= verbal subject -i(u)m/mh, -om/mh] : {gosson/r, S nosdren} our(s)
gwar- (gwarra/o-); (n)deura/o-; (g)rauna/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to go on, last, 'take'
gwass/th, gwâs/th [pl. gwais(s)/th] {nn} servant [< Celt.]
gwaur [pl. goer] {nn} springtime
gwech-er, -ur (gwechra-) {nn} grass [< Celt.]
gweiria/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to protect, guard
gweng [pl. gwing]; uinub [pl. uinÿb] {nn} way; means
gweng(w)ÿn(n-) [pl. -ir]; thidh-iur [pl. -iuir] {nn} path [#1 < Ger.; #2 < Bsq.]
gwe(n)thuil / gwe(n)thur [pl. -wid] {nn} vehicle (< Bret. gwetur)
gwerdhui [pl. "] {adj} green
(n)gwerth [pl. (n)gwirth] {nn} verse
gwesber [pl. gwesbir]; adarth/tardh(o) [pl. edairth/terdh(ÿ)] {nn} evening
gwes(s), -on; caba; ianant/ialther {prep} toward(s)
gwest-ern; nist-ern [pl. -irn] {adj} left(-hand), on the left
gweug-as [pl. -ais] {nn} week
gwidh- / gwedh-; or- / aura/o-; lauga/o- {vb} to see, view, look at
gwidhia-; gó-/hag(a)-widh(ia)-; laugia/o- {vb} to show, give (cause) to see
gwigra/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to fight [< Celt.]
gwil-, gwella/o-; nach- [inf. na/nechien] {vb} to want, desire, will
gwîn [pl. gwin-iew]; muigan [pl. muigain] {nn} friend, confidant
gwinidhiag {nn} friendship
gwissa/o-, gwista/o-; sab- [inf sebien] {vb} to know
h(a)ern [pl. ", hirn]; (m)burdh {nn} iron; tool made of iron
hannon; aliend {prep} beyond
haphuil / hephuil [pl. -wid] {nn} cutting-tool, shortblade [<< Frk. *happ-ija]
hav- [inf. hevien]; hevia/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to exist [< IRmc.]
hêg [pl. hîg, heg-wid]; a/esbath [pl. esbaith] {nn} sword [#1 < OFri.]
hest-ur [pl. -uir]; march, -an/-ur, -ÿn(n-) [pl. merch, -ain/-uir, -ÿnir] {nn} horse
(h)imm-ant [pl. -aint] {nn} strap, (single) lace [< CGr.]
himmel (himla-); enev [pl. eniv] {nn} sky, heaven
hn/tnaur [pl. hn/tnoer]; (n)garn [pl. (n)gern] {nn} yarn, thread, string
hodh-(w)ed, -en [pl. hedh-(w)id, -in] {nn} cloud [< Bsq.]
huida/o- vs. haeda/o- {vb} to call, name
huidhôe {adv} today [/-o:e/ < /-ije:/]
huisga/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to bring up, mention [< L. hīsc-]
hunver [pl. hÿnvir]; iommed [pl. iemmid] {nn} dream
hur(u)th [pl. hÿr(ÿ)th] {nn} thicket, grove [< WGer.]
hwarthui; dummui; nengrui [pl. "] {adj} black
hwilch(en) [pl. hwilch(in)]; (Ger. 'was') thaer, thoer {rel pn} which, that
hwilia/o-, c/huila/o- {vb} to keep still, remain, stay
-ia/o- [< *-(a)ja-] (enforced with pfx. gó-/hag(a)-); -óda- (< Bret. -aat); e/anga- (+inf.) {suff} Causative Verb ("to have/cause/make sb to..")
iachl-an, -un [pl. iechl-ain, -uin] {nn} molar [< NGmc.]
-i(a)ev-od; -adh-ed (= -ant) {suff} Past Tense 3rd Singular (in conjugations A and B, respectively)
ianw-adh [pl. -aidh], ianwÿn(n-) [pl. -ir] {nn} soul, (individual) spirit
iaul [pl. iolwid, ioel] {nn} clear spot, glade [< Gaul./Celt.]
-idhiag (-uidh)/-audhin/-(ch)aedh vs. -daw, -thaw, -thas [from Nouns]; -or(w)ÿn, -ol(w)ÿn, -uidh(ÿn) [from Adj stems] {suff} -ness, -ity, -hood (Abstract Noun) [-daw etc. < Bsq. -tas(s)un; -o/elwÿn < L indolēs (etc.)]
iegna; condra {prep} against, versus
-ien(nu) {suff} Infinitive ending of Root Verbs [< L -iendum ad]
iennon {prep} through, via (= dui, -a < *dijá [CGr.])
iertha/o-; (n)gin-, (n)ginna/o- {vb} to become; to happen
ieu {pn} I, me (Nom.) [= verbal subject -i(e)mh/-ich, -omh/-och] : {emmi(-v)} me; {emmi-r} to/for me; {min, mevui} my, mine
-im(men); -am(men) {suff} "Usually Measurable Product or Result from ..ing" Noun
-innog/-widren [pl. -innÿg/-widrin]; -anneg/-odren [pl. -ennig/-edrin] (r vs. w) {suff} Passive Participle
ioera/o- [inf. -nno; pres 3sg ioer(od)]; (m)ag- [inf. (m)egien; pp (m)agov/(m)eginnog]; faetha/o- {vb} to do, make
(io,o)go; hew, hed(o) {conj} and
io/ielpha/o-; a(i)udha/o-; sochorra/o- {vb} to help, aid, assist
iongadaw; leuchadaw {nn} past, Vergangenheit
iorch, ioroch [pl. ierÿch] {nn} buck, male deer [< Gaul.]
-ir {suff} Regular Plural for Animate Nouns of Female Sense
isgla/o- {vb} to divide, separate
isgriv-; (n)graph- [inf. (n)grephien] {vb} to write
istes [pl. istis] {pn} same
iund [pl. -wid] {nn} place, stead, room
ladra/o-; clemma/o-, cleutha/o- {nn} to steal
langassov [pl. lengessÿv]; lenth-or, -ov; modol [pl. medÿl] {adj} slow
lavrent [pl. levrint] {nn} maze
le/lÿchav [pl. le/lÿchaiv] {nn} body [< NGmc.]
-(l)eg, -(r)eg, -(w)eg; -ol/-or {adj suff} "Compound Noun Element" Adjective (sem. = Lat. -ālis/-āris, -īnus, etc.)
le(n); n(d)ae {prep} at, on (Time)
lenga/o-, lag(ra/o)-; ponia/o- {vb} to put, place
lesga/o-; maeda/o- [inf -nno] {vb} to please, make fond [< CGr. arésk-; Bsq. mait-]
leth-(w)eg, lew-(n)eg [pl. -(w)ig, -(n)ig]; sagavleg [pl. segevlig] {adj} light in weight
leudha/o- {vb} to sound
lidhia ~ gridhia (+Lenition) {adv} very [< CGr.]
lig-, lich- [pres 3sg -i(e)d] {vb} to be located
(g)linn-aph/(g)lenn-aph [pl. -aiph]; manthel; (peu)roch; (jacket) ulph(-ag, -an) {nn} cloak, mantle, coat [#1 < Celt.]
lo/lumm-a, -on; nâ dheurad, deuronna {prep} during [#1 < OFri. alomme, alumbe]
luig(on); (os)son {prep} like, in the manner of
luphurn [pl. lÿphÿrn] {nn} fox
lhaun(i)a/o- {vb} to fill [< Celt.]
lhe(i)gia/o-; lamma/o-, lammig- {vb} to lick
lhunvo; ethelon {adv} faraway
mâ, massunc [pl. meiwid, messÿnc] {nn} arable field(s), farm
mae, -lo {aux} don't [< Gr.]
mammel [pl. memmil]; a/ongost [pl. engÿst] {nn} breast
mannur [pl. mennÿr]; anwir/gÿwÿr [pl. -(i)ew] {nn} man
mant [pl. maint, du. manthar] {nn} hand
mauder, modrÿn [pl. maudir]; ammer [pl. emmir] {nn} mother [#1 < Gaul.]
maul / mâl; leng-u, -wen {nn} language
mauned, minnas [pl. moenid, minnais] {nn} month
maur [pl. -uid, moer] {nn} grandeur, size; fame, renown [< Celt. & Ingv.]
mê(d); [gwidhra;] pel, -(l)on; ub {prep} by, with, using (Instr.)
megil [pl. -wid] {nn} stick
meil-(l)ui, -vod {adv} preferably, rather
meir/maer; ceuchiev {adv} more
mêl {nn} honey
mellon {prep} between
mendrev {adv} less
meng-ui, -or; mult {adj} many, several; (multhev) much
men(t); mes(so); edhe, -n {conj} but
menwa/o-, meneltha/o- {vb} to realize, understand [< Celt.]
mesgl-ad, -aeth {nn} mixing, mixture, mix
minna/o-; lemra/o-; (i)orwista/o- {vb} to remember, recall
misg(on), mesg(on) {prep} among, amid(st) [< Celtic *misk-]
monn-ol(w)ÿn, -audhi {nn} solitude, loneliness
monvod {adv} solely, alone
morwain; manwain {adv} tomorrow
mosga/o- [inf. -nno; adj. mosg-onneg/-orth] {vb} to be or get drunk [< Bsq.]
muin {nn} substance
mussa/o-, musta/o- {vb} to kiss
muss-eg [pl. -ig] {nn} music
mÿnt, nummÿnt [pl. mÿnthuid] {nn} coin
-na-; -asga-/-assa- {suff} Reflexive Verbs
nâd [pl. naid] {adj} (fig.) path, course, move; factor, variable [< NW vågnad]
naer(a); prosgon {prep} near, close to
naerna/o- [intr.]; naeria/o-, prosgerna/o- [tr.] {vb} to approach, draw near; go near
naeth; cónuith [pl. -wid] {nn} night : {-ren} nocturnal
nathrech [pl. nethrich] {nn} snake, serpent
naudheg [pl. noedhig]; ness-eg [pl. -ig] {adj} necessary
naugev; (d)avunn-ev {adv} enough [adj. naug, -orth]
nei; gaw (gú); chí {adv; intj} not, no
neltha/o- [inf. -nno]; ostog- [inf. ostegien] {vb} to touch
nemra/o-; prenna/o-; ramma/o-; (h)eira/o- {vb} to take, keep for oneself
nenthin {prep} against = upon, touching
neston/naeston; cassui/casdev {adv} almost, nearly
no(n)chod [pl. ne(n)ch-ÿd/-oed]; libu [pl. libÿ] {pn} something
nommen [pl. nemmin] {nn} name, title
nordh, north {nn} north
nû {adv} now
nuia/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to bow; to sink [< Far.]
nu/noldr-a, -on {prep} beyond
nûn [pl. nunwid, nuin] {nn} noun [< Gaul. anuan-]
och(u)l (ochla-) [du. ochl-ar/-ent; pl. echuil] {nn} eye
ochon; iost, -a; prosg(on) {prep} beside, next to [-on vs. -aid for Prepositions of Place]
ôes(t); cidhent {nn} west
-o; -(l)ui, -(r)ui; -vod (regr. < -vodh < -modō) {suff; prep} Adverbs of Manner
[od- >] oth- {pref} forms Reflexive or Reciprocal Verbs (< Breton -aat); cntr. Causative suffix -auda/o-, -óda/o-
od(o)hor/ossar [pl. -wid, ed(e)hÿr, essair] {nn} basket [< Bsq.]
odwain, dirwain [back then]; od-onc/-onchÿ [after that] {adv} then
oega/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to add, increase [< NGmc.] vs. to house, accommodate [< CGr.]
olt/olthad [pl. ÿlt/elthaid]; gond [pl. gÿnd] {nn} wave
(h)onnarth; brui(o); (g)lasdra {adv} soon, shortly
oroph [pl. erÿph] {nn} layer, floor
osgel [pl. esgil]; um(me)r [pl. ÿm(mi)r] {nn} shoulder
o/astor [pl. estÿr]; iann-av, -ol {adj} big, large [#2 < Gaul. and- & Bsq. hand- 'id.']
ovodh (dh/th) [pl. evÿdh] {nn} group [< Gr.]
paela/o- / (m)baela/o- {vb} to look for, seek [< Bsq.]
par-, por-che(n); thui, -a {conj} because
parrag [pl. perraig] {nn} vine
parvui [pl. "]; cosgor [pl. cesgÿr] {adj} small, little
pau / pui {prep} on, atop, upon
pavra/o-; fovia/o- {vb} to fear
pedh-enc / peth-enc [pl. -inc] {nn} foot
pedr-ag [pl. -aig] {nn} stone
peir(i)a/o-; testa/o- {vb} to test [#1 < CGr.]
peith(i)a/o- {vb} to persuade; to inflect, to conjugate [< CGr.]
pengir [pl.] {nn} money
pern, perenc [pl. pirn, perinc]; achanc [pl. echainc] {nn} leg
peutha/o- [eu/iu] {v intr} to fall [< CGr.]
plui(-ad), -olt; (strong) imr-ad¹, -aeth {nn} rain || ¹ -ad, -aeth = the event or concept of raining; -am(men) = the tangible rain, the amount which rains
prad- (prath-) [inf. -ien]; melia/o-; lavra/o- (lavar-) {vb} to talk, speak [#3 < Rmc. & Celt. (Bret.)] : vn-s of these = "language"
preb- [3sg -i(e)d or prebi] {aux vb} should, ought to [< Gr.]
prîth [pl. prith-iew(n), -iuid] {nn} price
prodhuitha/o- (dh/d) [inf. -nno/u] {vb} to produce
prosgern [pl. presgirn] {adj} adjacent, nearby, neighboring
rasta/o-; rebausta- [inf -nno] {vb} to rest
rastail [pl. -wid] {nn} bed
raudha/o- (luntha/o-) [+inf], rauth [+personal vb] {aux} shall, will (Future Tense) [< NGmc. ráð-; IbRom.]
raurui; selthov {adj} rare
rav(a)n [pl. rev(ai)n]; corvun [pl. cervuin] {nn} raven [ODu. ravan]
reid-ag, -uil {nn} vehicle [< Celt. *reid-ā]
rei(e)nt, rewent {nn} east
rîch, rêch [pl. richiew(n), rechew(n)] {nn} king
richÿn(n-) [pl. -ir]; rech-inwadh [pl. -inwaidh]; {nn} queen
rig-leg, -ren, -(w)or [pl. -lig, -rin, -(w)ÿr] {adj} rich, wealthy
ro(n), ar; (da/de)n-unt {prep} to, for (Dative); for purpose/intent of
roedhui; corossui [pl. "] {adj} red
rû, rúchaed/dh {nn} calm, stillness, peace, tranquility
rûv [pl. ruiv] {nn} space, room
(g)rÿng [pl. -wid]; lh(a)er-ont [pl. -ÿnt] {nn} back(side)
rheugur (rheugra-) [pl. rheug, -ÿr] {nn} wolf [< CGr.]
rhûth {nn} snot, slime [< WGer.]
sâ/seu (S leu), sÿn (S lae); ad(a) / od(a) {pn} he, she; it (Nom.) [= verbal subject -i(e)d, -od (or -aw)] : {essi(-v)} him, her; {essi-r} for him, her; {sin (S lin), sevui (S levui)} his, her, its
sabal [pl. sebail] {nn} belly, stomach
sair (S saech); [pl. of 'it, that'] ed(a)i-r, -ch {pn} they [= verbal subject -iun(t), -on(t)] : {sairon, S saechren} their
saltha/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to jump, leap
sang-u, -wen [sg. only] {nn} blood
saph- [inf. sa/sephien] {vb} to (a)rise [< (M)Bret.]
sartha/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to go in(to), enter [< Bsq.]
saura/o- {vb} to hurt, injure
savach [pl. sevaich]; (n)gusted [pl. (n)gÿstid] {nn} taste, flavor
savna-, sav(n)altha/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to place side by side; to liken, compare
savnoleg; commún-ol, -ui {adj} common
savno(n), sav(n)enno, sevno(n) {adv} together
sawath(ur) (th/dh) [pl. sewaith]; iavrond [pl. ievrÿnd]; daved [pl. devid] {nn} sheep
seduil [pl. -wid] {nn} seat, chair
seg-, sech- [inf. -ien]; (i)o/(i)urdha/o- {vb} to say, tell
segon {prep} according to
selia/o- [vs. sal-, inf selien] {vb} to sell
semr-ui, -(ui)o, -eg {adj; adv} constant; always
s/thest-or [pl. -ÿr] {adj} hot [< CGr.]
sîdh(ad)/suidh(ad); banad; athlae; (phys.) flanc {nn} side
siduassun [pl. siduessuin] {nn} situation
soed-og [pl. -ÿg]; mlith-ui, -ol (< Celt. *melitto-); dolchor [pl. delchÿr] {adj} sweet, sugarlike
solth-, sulth-og, -ov [pl. selthÿg] {adj} hungry
solvod (sollui) {adv} only, merely, just
son {prep} like, as, in manner of [< NGerm., Gr.]
sov(n)a/o-, sovon- [inf. -nno, sevenien] {vb} to sleep
sovr-a, -on {prep} above, on, atop; upon, about
sugurch [pl. sÿgÿrch] {nn} crook, malintentful person [< NGmc.]
sui(o)n; ath-, ior-wain (< iaur-) {adv} ago
suir-eg, -ol [pl. -ig, -ÿl] {adj} long [< Celt.] vs. belated [< Lat.]
tangnov [pl. tengnÿv] {adj} peaceful, calm [< Celt.]
tasc, tasgab [pl. tasguid, tesgaib] {nn} pocket
teitha/o-, tesga/o- {vb} to text
telia/o- {vb} to count; to include [< NGmc.]
ten-, tenia/o-; hav-, havra/o-; (e)nug-, pres. (e)nauga/o- (< Bsq.) {vb} to have, hold
teng, edeng [pl. -wid, eding] {nn} house
teu; [pol.] husted {pn} you, sg. (Nom.) [= verbal subject -i(e)st/-ie ch, -ost/-o ch] : {enthi(-v)} thee; {enthi-r} to/for thee; {tin, tevui} thy
tîd/dh [pl. tid/dh-iuid]; temp [pl. timp] {nn} time
tilla; taechod {conj} until
timra/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to build (esp. from wood) [< NGmc.]
ting(w)a/o-; tintha/o- {vb} to color, dye
tont [pl. -uid, tÿnt] {nn} drop, droplet [< Bsq.]
torchorth [pl. terchÿrth]; sichog [pl. sichÿg] {adj} dry
torn [pl. tÿrn]; tornag [pl. ternaig] {nn} tower
torth [pl. tÿrth] {nn} loaf, cake
tosta/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to feel, touch [< OFris.]
trenn-ag [pl. -aig]; (h)obul, (h)oblun; (g)lanab [pl. (g)lenaib]; erv(i)ent [pl. ervint] {nn} tool [#1 & #3 < Bsq.; #2 < CGr.]
treitha/o- {vb} to steer, funnel [< NGmc.]
trew-, treua/o- {vb} to believe, 'think'
tuil(e)phon [pl. tuil(e)phÿn] {nn} phone
tuinia/o-; laetha/o- / glaetha/o- {vb} to forget [< NGmc; CGr.]
tuir; tewair (Acc. iost; Dat. io(ssu)nt), S tuiech; [pol.] huistid {pn} you (pl.) (Nom.) [= verbal subject -i(u)th, -oth] : {iosson/r, iosdren, huithren} your(s) (pl.)
tumled [pl. tÿmlid]; pollenc [pl. pellinc] {nn} thumb
thalub, tholub (L/N) [pl. thel-uib, -ÿb] {nn} boat
thau(v) [pl. thoe(v)]; brû [pl. brui] {nn} bridge [#1 < Bsq.]
thenga/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to close, shut
thill-og [pl. -ÿg] {adj} quiet, silent
thô; aunge(n); emra {conj} (even) though
thôg, thûg; bochras {nn} fog, mist
thonna/o-; posdra/o- {vb} to stand
-thov(n)/-assov [pl. -thÿv(n)/-essÿv] {adj suff} X-like
thûd [pl. thuid] {nn} pipe [< Frk.]
thunchor [pl. thÿnchÿr]; punnor [pl. pÿnnÿr] {adj} heavy
ú-, (g)eu-; des(s)- {pref} un-, dis-, in-, not (+Adj)
-ud/-unt [-(r)ad/-(r)ant for presence of /u/], -ovra {suff} (in)to [in Adverbs only] (< NGmc. & Bsq.)
uidh-o, -ia {adv} already
uigo {adv} in vain; for no reason [< CGr.]
-uil, -ail; -ethran/-ethrun, -athran/-athrun; -ungu [pl. -ÿngwi], -angu [pl. -engwi] {suff} Tool Noun, i.e. a means for ..ing
uin, dû, trî {num} one, two, three
-uiran/-w(a)ir [pl. -uirain/-w(e)irew]; -óriun/-adur/-avr [pl. -oerin/-eduir/-evr]; (fem.) -ethwin/-essÿn; -onnes [pl. -ethwinir/-essÿnir; -ennis] {suff} -er; -ess (Agent noun)
uiria/o-, eiria/o- [inf. -nno] {vb} to work, cause, achieve [< Gr.]
-uith, -elthi/-enthi (C1/Root verbs); -aeth, -olt (C2/Derived verbs) {suff} -ing, -ion, -ment (Noun of Action Concept) [NOTE: -(aw)ad is used for -olt after -(l)la-, -(r)ra- (& -tha-) verbs]
ul(l)ust (-st > -th-) {nn} cold water [< Bsq.]
umm-ug [pl. -uig] {nn} belly, stomach
unn(a)eth / ÿnn(a)eth {nn} love, favor(ing), granting [< Germ.]
unthon; sind (sinnon) {prep} without, sans
ûr, hûr [pl. (h)uir] {nn} hour
ust (uth-) [pl. uist] {nn} fire [< Bsq.]
uvent [pl. uvint]; est-ed [pl. -id] {nn} bowel [#1 < L. ōment-]
u/avus [pl. -ar; ÿ/evuis] {nn} lip [< Celt.]
-wid (-uid, -iuid); [-(w)in] {suff} Regular Plural for Inanimate Nouns
-ÿn(t), -wÿn(t) [-nt > -nn-] (vs. pref. cín-); -inwed/n, -inwadh/g; -(ÿ)ngel (-ÿngla-), -(ÿ)nglÿn; -lan pro -ol (< Lat. -ula) {suff} Diminutive Noun Forming Suffixes

