Language models: Cont. Saxon/Lit. Catalan (Cerem./"Classical"), Old Irish (?), Rumanian (Border?), Persian (F/Southern Imperial?)

OHG word-endings:
[ -(V)-da, -la ] [ -ag, -og ] [ -(a)ld, -(a)lta ] [ -(a)mb-a/-u ] [ -(a)nnå/-innâ ] [ -ant(V), -(e)nti, -in-ta/-tu ]
[ -ar (-s-tar) ~ -(ā)si ] [ -(a)zti ] [ -(au)c ] [ -eo(t) ] [ -er, -(e)rå, -(d)ra ] [ -g(o) ] [ -ħt(å), -ħtî ] [ -(i)lå ]
[ -im, -în, -ina ] [ -inc/-ing ] [ -(i/u)nd ] [ -ir(ri), -(i)rw-m/-n, -(v)ur ] [ -(i)stô ] [ -it, -(n)nit ] [ -iu(n) ]
[ -(k)ki, -(n)ko ] [ -(l)dî ] [ -(l)la/-lli/-llu ] [ -lon (-a/e-lun) ] [ -(l)ta/-(l)to ] [ -mpi ] [ -(n)ne(s) ] [ -ngi ]
[ -(o)od, -(ō)th, -ōn(ô) ] [ -(o)nda ] [ -(ō)si ] [ -(p)pa ] [ -rdå/-rta, -rna ] [ -ssa ~ -ssi ]
[ -(t)il, -ti(n), -(t)ten ] [ -(t)to ] [ -(u)ndî ] [ -(u)ngå/-(u)nka ]

OW Celt./OI (Preliminary Considerations)

Verb Persons: 1pl -mm(a/u), 2pl -t(C)i/u [t/d] vs. -(m)b-, 3pl -sV/-yV(C)/-wå(c)

ag-a3 ... drive, impel [OI aigid]
*ar-wiit/wåyt- ... trial, tribulation, test [< OLFrk; cf F]
banam ~ baram [a/i] ... make better, improve, correct; heal
bec-c-, bic-c- ... little
cab(b)oc ... pig, swine
clúan ... ? [c/tlúoth = protection?]
(c)una ... a loc. phrase?
-é/-lé (-lå)/-né (-nå) ... accusative?
hab-r- ~ chib(a)r ... side, flank, 'by-'
henot (hennot?) ... sometimes, on occasion [4/16] (not 2L?)
-i(C) ... imperative
kimir, kimor, (?C.) kimbar ... ?sword
kirin-, keren- ... buy, acquire
*(m)baw-ak, *(m)buk [V/i] ... be able, be possible [G mug-, F muka]
mol(-l)- ... make great noise toward/on account of [Sgd p. 138]
namkir ?L enslave(d), is ~ / they enslave, vs. #nam(k-) overthrow, overpower
sed- ~ thad-, -th- ... 'get, obtain' vs. 'get to, reach' [cf Sgd 27.2]
-uch, (s/C)uch ... ablative-prolative? (#2, *-[k]om[ji]?)

-ā̆b      GENITIVE (but ?C. -ab/-ub = ALLATIVE)
acib/acip/attwc      head ?
'alag      collection, lexicon, etc. (' = unspecified back-throat sound)
al(a)t-      to offer, present with
-al(w), -ar(V)      Imp. imperative, optative ?
(C)anyåss-a/i      [C.] soft
-as or ō-      SUPERLATIVE marker in Southern Celtic
-bål ~ imbVl, ingad/t (vs. -gad, -gVt      INSTRUMENTAL postposition
be/bid-åc, -wc      tree
bin-, bwn-, g/k(h)/th-wn-, tin-      [C.] pref. again, re-
-bo/(op)pó-/-op vs. -(c)co, -(g)go      DATIVE (#1 = DYNAMIC/"toward" = OIr.t. e(n)g-os, -as )
ceno-t, -g, -d(h)      prep. through (2L?)
chor(d)-/chur(C)-      [C.] to push (what is hlûg(a)-, then ?)
de(3)um, diom      [C?] inside, within
-eb (cf. -ob)      ACCUSATIVE plural [in: ?]
egun(-t, -C)      long
enke (or anke, acc/part -ko)      (npl) shouts or sounds
enthå; tlenVr(C)      prep. after, since
-eon, -eun      LOCATIVE ?
*(e)sepe- [> *əth-əp- ?]      sleep, lay dormant (1L minko-, winko- ? ewh. C/təkhəb- ?)
-eur, -iur      ACCUSATIVE PLURAL ? (SINGULAR -(VV)d, -(e)b ?)
ga(ta)rzin      (Imp?) tale, story
gi(l)landa, gôlånda      [C.] valley
(g)i/empeo      [C.] back (anat.) — ewh. pitrel
gíub/gíCab/haob      prep. without, sans
(g)zimeg      blood
hanc-o/-a-, thancú      base (of operations)
heng-on, -ean      village
hwod, chwod, chiod      prep. since
hut(h)ug, hôt(h)-ag, -aig      AM (OW?) timber, wood
îd-ak, êd-ak, -ath?      (AM?) change (intr)
-(ig)ye, -(VC)ye (= OIr.t. -mi ?)      GENITIVE (per OIr. gen. umlaut)
isc-, ithc-      inspire; urge on
*ithig-      room (#1/#2?)
jan(C)-, jon(C)-      [C.] sit, be seated
ketsV-, tyetsV-      to ride on horseback (1L?)
kith(C)-, kåth(C)-, tV~      to hide, conceal
-kra, -tra, -tri      PROLATIVE (1L?)
*kwat- [ewh./C. mirasg-, mith(r)åsg-]      sink, submerge
kwoskwe      a dance, rhythm
magbê      ?AM/SM top (of a tree); end-point
malet, ma(l)lit      (n) surface ?
-māz, -mōz      1 pers. POSSESSIVE ending in Cimmerian or Farun
mēg-wr, -it      (prep.) beside, at, with, near
mek-oth, -oss-      shadow
men(C)oc      statue
min(g)kor      cave, cavern
nab-an, -i(n-) vs. nêg-/nôg-Vn      [C.] hut, dwelling (augm. nab-ont, -i/unt)
nagol, negil      2L peak, top (OW pind-os(s-), -og, -ut ?)
nangor      ??
-nd      NOMINATIVE plural [in: ?]
nell-oc, -wg      ?
(..C)ni(C)      (AM?) RELATIVE PN or NOUN-FORMING PREFIX (cf. ni-mrod)
nol- (vs. hadar)      warm, south (often found prefixed, like in otonol-, gitanol-)
-ok, -ek      INFINITIVE or 3 sg
-okk vs. -et [C./Imp. -(n)tan]      LOCATIVE [in: ?]
-or, -(au)r    &nbsP; DATIVE (ewh. -(a)n, -(o)n ?)
or-p-      swarthy, black (Orpen, Orqin name of a gulf)
osg-, oth(V)g-      to know
os(s), us(s)      OIr.t. prep. (forms adverbs? = Sem. k- ?)
osse-w-      city, fortress
-(o)t, -(V)t, -te/-tå/-tî      LOCATIVE (qq. cf. Rum. departe)
-o(o)th, -o(o)ph      PRETERITE/PERFECT TENSE ? — OIr.t. syn. -(a/e)ing ?
pāgir      peak, top
pang-od, -(w)eC      fort, stronghold, castle — ewh. parg(V), milc(h)ras
pas-      to say, speak
pim(m)-åd, -ag      village (= tēraith)
pint-o/-u (kw- ?)      (n) ear (1L? OW Balto-Nordic?)
rat-      make or give a sound; a sound
-re, -riu(C)      TEMPORAL LOCATIVE (OIr.t. ? vs. -emb/-imb/-omb)
-(r)il      ABLATIVE (ELATIVE) or PROLATIVE (1L? al?)
råβom, ?ro-d/g-im      [C.] for sake of, due to
ros(s)te      realm, world
sal-g / -d-      [C.] to enter vs. be on the inside, be contained
scal(l)ut, scadut(h)      crimson, dark red
scār-a, -(a)i      (OIr.t?) grass, green soil
se(o)rg-      (C. vs. OIr.t.) lead, guide to go (actively, or of roads, promptings)
sn(e)arc(h)a-      cope, manage; ?get to (sw)
sodor, todor; k(h)izwr      (prep.) above, over; on, on top of
-(i)ssa/u      (suff.) C. the RESULT noun (≈ Finn. -nne, -nto) - OIr.t. eq. -id/-(V)it for persons
tā̆bes(t) (e/o)      important
tas(a)l-      leave, desert, a wasteland
TAY/N-AN, TA3-AN, TAKH-AN      second, other (OIr., Arab, F)
TE(c)'L, TAY'L      ?
terg-a/-u- (E/I) vs. mirka/ga      [C.] mound, down, low hill
-ttw, -tti      [C.] NOMEN AGENTIS ('habitual' vs. 'active') [Cat. -sso]
thazra-, theCra-      survive, be alive (= michla-)
-u~ra, -u~ro      adj COMPARATIVE/SUPERLATIVE ending
vosim      sword (which is c(h)ada-ch, -t, parpe, snalga/e or snathog elsewhere)
zangu-d, -l [a/e]      pothole, pit
zeng-, s.eng-, teong-      rule, dominion, king-/re(i)-
zōr-, zeur-      to discern, make out, be able to see
zuk, ziuk      Basque-t. 'for, for purpose of'

OIr.t. Vocab :
        [-âd, -â(i)th(e) 3sg. optative in OIr.], -åbud/-åCu(n)t 3 pl pn (in verb); -(a)it 'ADVERB-FORMING' GENITIVE (vs. -mí/mú/-má); -(s)c ~ -(a)isc ? ; -(ai)se, -(n)si ? ; -(C)(i)dir ? ; -ai(b)-, -eu(b)- fut? ; -ár/-e(e)ot AUGM? ; abé(a)n, an(n)ag, níar very; (g)ar(u)d "yet" (adv) or "side" (n); -ås(s)at/C POTENTIAL MOOD? ; -βin/-iβin ? ; b/gws-ta(i)th-/-dauth-/-góeth- reply, answer; caid-/caty- ? ; ta(u)riomm/ca(ho)riomm beer (OIr. cuirm); cart- avoid or expel, drive away (F = OIr.); céos/cúos/tíos ear; co/Vtno- long; -(d)å/-(e)tå/-(a)(r)d GENITIVE (vs. -(V)ir/-(U)R, -al, -AN/-(a)ng, -(V)YÛ/-(i)SÛ -- -(e)m- al. OW language?); -ongón/-(i)uBomm GPL? ; ceurcae- tall, high; crau-c, -t, creot for sake of, toward(s); délg(o)/dolg(u)/dolcha hill; derg long; dert(h)ó familiar; dí(a)s-c/g-e land, earth; (gi)don- (C?) pick, choose (arg-) vs. favour; dorna clean (adj); d(u)ruim/g(o)r-uim/-aim/ergåim prep. behind; ecut a number (10?); é(C)im(m)- (i/o) tower, pinnacle; (t)emcur/encaor large, huge; enc(h)o pass, canyon; fe(o)n- to push; -(C)ga(r/t) vs. -(ch)(o)u(n)/-(ch)ie INSTRUMENTAL PPOS; gêg/gieg down (al. tendu?); (C)et(e)g- touch (2L ndathra-?); fod(o)r+ethat ? ; féaC-, fúa-g/b- = OIr. foil- ? ; (g)esn(o)- lead (cf. (C)osna- see/point to?); g/háfaid/l desire, wish; (c)hiltha / tholtha bank (of e.g. snow); iáda lodge? icor hindrance; impor/intór town, large settlement; ki(C)dåb large; isc-ut(h), -at(h) country, land; (C)lágVt(h)- half, side (OIr. leth); macr-/becr- recognize; ming-sa/tha chamber; -mo/-mi ADJECTIVE (cf. OIr. tírim!) -- qq. -ach, -in, -ir(t)/-(C)t (-thå/-thō)/-ur, -lV-/-la(-) (OIr. éola); -i(l)ló(n) (ó/ú) VN (vs. -(a)mú/V-n-n-, -a/u-n(nV)d [OIr. grafand]); mund-/mind- +suff "green"; nanc- full, filled; ndalg-i(th) vs. (e)ndéig/oig the colours; -(i)ndi/-nni/-(e)inn ? ; nági at the back, behind one; -(ó)i/ug OBLIQUE PLURAL? (cf. -oî- optative?); -(a/e)r vs. -(i)UG/-Vng DATIVE (pl -aid(V) = GPL?); -e(C)ác/-eúc "target of action" noun, or participant thereof, sb who has ..ed or is; -(o)ssu PAST PARTICIPLE; ú-á-(i)giú-n- fire; -uth vs. -eith NOM AGENTIS; pand(e)t- forest? ; fem(V)-c/t- (< *pem/n-) to ride (on horseback); fennag-/pennag- grab; s(e)anna- to touch; seni passageway (al. irko, thnVnku-); scethun/sceunåt(h) field; snaelg/lc (ae/ao) trace, track; t(e)ad(j)- to pour; te(a)ndu(u)n weather; tinor/timor city; toenn-VC, toerieC slave; t(h)al(an)n-i, -u, thilaing blade/tool/?lever; (th)amcí ~ (th/ch)aNgí habit, custom, manner; -thó/-thú ADVERBIAL OR ALLATIVE; -(s)é/-(f)i/ó/ú vs. -im/Vm, -(w)r ACCUSATIVE/PROLATIVE (-(l)c? -th(i)/-thon(d), -s(a/e)?); (not 2L?) ting(o)- to live; tegir-, tigor-, tír-ae-, -us(sV) land(s); (C)úgoth faraway, far off; úngae crown(ing?)

| NOM ......... | -istw [< F/Ge] / (pl) -aima (= Celt. . |
| ............. | .... -aib, -thib? Goid. -éra ?); (obl) | [OIr.t. -ain/-eún/-i-nta, -eib, -(e)ob vs. -ÚR/L = NPL!]
| ............. | .... -osu (L) [-uzu, -ezu!!! (9/11)] / |
| ............. | .... -(V)go / -Net (OS) / -nd (Chron.) |
| ABL ......... | -mma, -(r)må[, -(th)am!!], (Lat) -semi |
| > CGr., ..... | .... (*-z.baa, -z.ub, *-smee) / ...... | [3/16: OIr.t. -ba/-(e/o)b (pl -(m)ail, -in-bVr, -uib-, -óir?) vs. -ni/-nV/-(i)n]
| *-ktein ..... | .... -nd(e)^1, +-mb (*-Vnite, *-unde ; | [2/15: -(s)ul, -ve/il]
| *-ktån, < ... | .... *-[:å]b; Cer) / -iiwu, -iuyu, ... |
| 1L? / ^1: ... | .... -iiyu / -ooNst, (al) -un[,-skon]; |
| <-ndVynw? ... | .... (pl) -orwns, -orn(i)s / -i/umas ! |
| *COM ........ | -'ngee / -(u)nug, -gon (POSTP gogon, . |
| ............. | .... 3egon, yovon 'next to; with') ... |
| DAT Cerem ... | -(u)ns / -ush (prev! cf. DYN!) / -be / | [4/16: DATIVE PLURAL OIr.t. -aib / -iub / -eog / -(r)em]
| -(e)tar; prep | .... (pl) -(n)ek (cf. DYN!) / -n.tem . |
| [?] pet ='for | ...................................... |
| the sake of'! | ...................................... |
| DYN 15:-(k)it | -oye, -owe; -Vyoo! / -Vnk[1] / -it[2]; |
| [1]C -aig ... | .... -uttå, ss / -(a)ssV, -(e/i)ssV .. | [3/16: OIr.t. -ad, -(m)is(-)/-mo(g)/-mm(V), -che/-(a)chV/-(O)CH, -(r)íg]
| [2]cf. PG ... | .... (! OIr!!) / *-ndu/i* / (even in . |
| *-eet! ...... | .... old pl!!) -(s)oosu / = POSTP, ... |
| [3]-amw, -mgu | .... núkåm[3] 'upon, over, onto' ..... |
| *ESS ........ | -(dh)oo, -(t)oo (not Participial?) ... |
| GEN Cerem ... | -oye, -uye, -iyV (ADESS *-ijV, -igV!); |
| -óroN/m ..... | .... -la/-da (al. -mne, -mnås) / (pl) .|
| qq -(i)af ... | .... -iyaa' (al. -(a)ngin, -(a)mbin?) .|
| ?............ | .... / *-uziz (Gpl of OS-t. proto-l.) .|
| ............. | .... [8/11: -a(a)sii, Gpl !!!] ....... |
| (OIR GEN SG.) | -a ~ -e: -ad > -atha; -ae > -ad; -e(d) |
| ............. | .... > -i(d); -or > -uir; -u > -ad ... |
| INST ........ | -Vnde / -(i)yus, ?-(i)yås (pl -oobu) . |
| cf. ......... | .... / -eeri (POSTP, meeri!) / [DAT >] |
| Finn. -in ... | .... -(e)ther, -(e)thir !!![, -asid] . |
| ixt. CGr. ... | .... / -ixe / (*g/k/b?) -ova, -uva ... |
| -phin! ...... | .... (=Prol);(pl) -euvi, -iuvi, -uvi / |
| ............. | .... OS t. sg : -ara, -aro, -i(gu)ro ! |
| LOC : ....... | -iomu, -oomu, -iu/y@no- / -mus (old! . | [3/16: (h)asa, uc prep. OIr.t.? vs. -ag/-ig/-ai/-ca, -(a)r[b!]/-ra/-VVl]
| qq. -e/onnai? | .... Lat-type LOC-PROLAT!) / -(u)k* > | [1/15: -uk,
| [1] ......... | .... -k(u)te, -k(u)pe-, -ugo[2] / Celt | al. -(t)ed]
| from ........ | .... -ugud (adess) = al -(n)dau [1]! . |
| *-uduk ...... | .... / -(g)ush[Vt] / = PREP, woo, .... | [2/15:
| *-udut ...... | .... uo(o), ?uyo (OS) ~ remn. ?-ar ... | -(sh)i/ub;
| *-gdu? ...... | .... (alt, adj?), -ag = C -tar! / .... | -(d)it/-ath;
| [2] al -ke, . | .... (PROL) -aak(C)o, -aakuo ......... | -ni(h)]
| S-W -(n)ek!!! | .... [*] = -okk [vs. -et] from Chron!! |
| (AD-L) ...... | -åye/i / -iimå [9/11: -aime, -aine!] / |
| ............. | .... -iken, -itån (pl??) ............. |
| TEMP ........ | -nu, -du / -(t)el(o) TLAT-TEMP (adv) . |
| TRANSL ...... | -gar, -kar, -(k)or / -(u)ko[-?] ...... |
| OBL ......... | -(th)ge, -sge / -i; ?-ka (obj) / -ti . |
| Chron Apl -eb | .... (Lith) / OS: -(o)n; -gan (inst) / |
| ............. | .... (pl) -ou (N/A) / -ine- (Lith. ... |
| qq. -uuya ... | .... Apl) / -and, -end (Far) / -oi ... |
| -iuya = ? ... | .... (Celt. Dpl?) .................... |
| (obsc) ...... | -uo[m-?] / (Abl/Obl?) -(k)ut / -vos, . |
| ............. | .... -ivos / -rre (S-W; 9/11) / (Dpl?) |
| ............. | .... -(i)niiz / (p-ly adv) -mál / .... |
| ............. | .... -(a)man (AD-COM?) / ?C -uis, -wis |
| others ...... | (m)igid/t, ?-ngid ABESSIVE POSTPOS / . |
| ............. | .... -(a)yit & -VVko, -kwo (ag, OS?) . |
| [1] alibi ... | .... [= *-aayå-, *-atVyå-!! < W ...... |
| -skut(o)- ... | .... #-wy] = Icel. t. or Far. -undV, . |
| -skit(o)- ... | .... -åmpa / -eiga (tool) / -una-[t] . |
| -- separ- ... | .... Lat.-t. PERF/PA / #pi(g) which; . |
| ately in- ... | .... it / -(k)it(e) OPT-COND[1] = F. . |
| spired!!! ... | .... -id-[aad]! / -en(n) Celt. vn. = . |
| (COND/PF) ... | .... OS -an(C) < -anda!!! / -udhur ... |
| -ou 3 sg; ... | .... Icel-t. AP? / -aCo/u PRES 3SG . . |
| -e(y)is = ... | .... / -il(d) result noun = -igV(d)? . |
| -edza /j/ ... | .... / -dhur, -iadhur TOPON. (Celt); . |
| 3 pl (pa) ... | .... -(Cl)ud item (id.) / -iga(s) PA . |
| ............. | .... [8/11: 3 pl -ges, -gesh, ?-gus!!] |
| ADJ ......... | -ar; -(g)i, -egi (F.), -ang / -a/ish / | -or! (4/15)
| Cerem. pp ... | .... -in / -roog(u) / -il(la/e) (cf. . |
| -(g)ar ...... | .... above!) = OS -ld/t, -lp?! / -eb / |
| -VVCar ...... | .... -(r)in (Celt) / -omi/u (Reg.&a) . |
| ............. | .... / -(oo)ra (Chron CPV/SL -uurå!!); |
| Celt. (Goid.) | .... -ma (al. -gom) PP? / -onka, .... |
| -iú, -ió .... | .... -aarig/k DIM? / -(i)tor- CPV!! .. |
| (adjectival?) | .... (?Cerem. -is[so]t) > al. -uta !!! |
| ADV ......... | -(m)us/-(b)us/-Cus = CASE SUFF? / .... |
| Cerem. ...... | ..... -da (*-ta) / -enak (*-eda[a]k) . |
| -nee, -ne ... | ..... -(w)o / -raash (adv/al.) : cf. . |
| ............. | ..... *-aa(C)! / ?-(m)ál (*-malCV) / . |
| ............. | ..... do C when, as .................. |

-anDja(C), -anD(i)C .... OW agental n (= OE -ende); cf. Finn -nto
........... [later insp. -and[j?]in, -ambin Cerem. ap/ag!! = al.
........... (Pers. t.) -anid, -ânid ?!]
-agon, -ogan (*-åkanC-) - AM/OW adjectival suffix?
-aka, -ako- .... AM nominal '?'
-Vnka, pl. -Vnkadh/v(V) .... OW ?personal
-anna(C?) .... agental noun (Celtic, &al?) : cognate of previous?!
[-ariC, -arjåC >] -r.joo, -uroo, -oruu .... agent/person (OE -ere)
-Vbaa .... IMPERATIVE plural (al. _-pea, -kwia_?)
-(ei)boo vs. -(ei)goo .... OW verbal noun = _-(d)uoo, -(d)ewoo_? =
........... -ik (?-anpik)
-fea, -fe-; -ider; -onnra .... OW fut; perf; passive (C)
*gham, -ram, -ham .... ABLATIVE (Cerem?) [later, -am, so indeed!]
*-hagi, *-higi, -hei .... = S -dir; -man, -er [8/11]
-iithaa, aa/oo .... vn [cf. Basq. -itu, -atu; Rum. -uit < L -âtu-]
........... [10/11: Goid. Celt. -iud '-ing, by -ing' ! al. -ius ?]
-ik, -(od)ik .... action or verbal noun (Border Princes = Rum? F?)
-ima, *-em .... suffix in OW (cf. act noun -imme, -imbe, *-impe!)
-iti, -uti, -üti .... toponymic suffix (F. -la; Sind. -ian) [9/11]
katu .... ?postposition
-(e)ntaC, -ntia .... passive ?? [11/11]
-omen .... OW VERBAL MODAL
-rdan, -ordan .... a suffix appearing in OW
selmo, ?sel-em .... lost, disappeared; to be lost (1L? Finn. dial.
........... of Lith?)
-uåk, -ovuk, -u(v)ot .... suffix that appears in Germanic
..... adverbs? (*xarThoot > OE hearde)
-uloon, -uluun < -uroo (see above!!) .... agent/person (OE gifola)
-ung(V), -ong(V) .... 3 pl verb ending [10/11]
*-zee(3/z), *-dheR, *-theg .... OW past/perf tense (Kalev puhu-si;
........... ON -dhi)


-aare ..... mon dyn? yks -Vro(k-)
-bu(g) < ?-bugo, ?-bogu ..... -ssa, -ssä
-(e)nsa, -(a)nsa ..... < *-nthaa : -matta
-(e)pe(C-?) ..... -tin (väline)
?bil-ik/iñk ..... Eld _blikko, blinko_ rannikkoseutu, (kallio)ranta [4/11]
#gen-eth ..... _genthi_ ?pilvi [2/11]
gomen, gobun ..... prep. päällä, -lla [7/14]
-icudh-, -icul- ..... Eld ehtomuoto / futuuri?
-(i)mbo, -(i)ngu; -ir-; -(u)po ..... Eld tool-name suffixes (_-po/-pu_ also topon?)
-iyu, ?-iyyu ..... (komparatiivi)
#khen ..... Eld _henet, hinet_ hyvä ~ siunattu
ka-, kar-åt- ..... Eld _karoota_ ? ?auringonlasku(un)
KAT ..... Eld. stay, abide, dwell, live
kakh-adh/ar/agh ..... tyrsky, aalto; qq. > Eld [2/10]
ken.-ed, khen.- ..... kruunu, seppele [2/11]
kiba-, ?kuba- ..... tyhjä
#kya, ?ya ..... lokatiivi, -ssa, -lla
#ko(3-o)r ..... Eld _korne_ masto
KON(OR) ..... Eld _konor(C)a_ crab (Zool.)
?lan-ak, lak-an, gal-an ..... lentää? _(g)lanca_ lentävä, ilmassa, lennossa
magorna, -e ..... Eld, kertomus, tarina
-mo(o)n, -muon, ?-bo(o)n ..... agental < OW? (-mon, ?-muon = pass fut above!)
nár-aan ..... Eld 'kaivo' [2/11]
#ndek.-Vth, e/i ..... Eld _nacas_ vasara, nuija
?ngoy-(os), moy- ..... rakentaa
?ngwi(g-i)r ..... Eld _m'iire, miire_ vapaa [1/11]
#å-m-, ?phåm ..... Eld _omen_ läheltä [käsin], lähietäisyydeltä
#pa3-ar / #kwa3-ar ..... Eld _paur_ ankara, julma
-pe ..... lokatiivi (kanssakieli?)
pen-io, -yo, -no/penga ..... Eld. laiva, alus; ?astia [3/15]
rak-(u)t ..... _ratta-_ > _rathav_ metsä, viidakko [4/11]
#raw-ab ..... sisä-, sisällä, sisään [2/11]
-r(V)be, -l(V)be ..... -sta, -lta
#rep-ek (OW) ..... purje, lippu
#sal, #thal (OW) ..... Eld ?_aslat-, atslat-_ katse, katselu
serpe, serbe, -ge ..... maa, kuiva maa (< OW #SERUG?) [4/11]
tal-n-t-j ..... ?aita, aitaus, piha
#tam-al, #tan-al ..... Eld kellua; ?leijua
#tek ..... _teeku-_ 'alus, vene' (= _teccu_?) tai 'kohti' (pro *taak-) [2/11]
#ten.- .... _taama_ safehaven, safe place > Eld [2/10]
#tol ..... Eld _toloph_ ulkoilma, ulkona
twel, tyel, l/d ..... Eld _tele_ niitty
-u(u)tw ..... adjektiivinen/nomini! [3/11]
vonga-/vonda-, vun(d)ga- ..... Eld lead, take (by hand, with advice)
#wan, #wath ..... (1M? >) Eld _wansaa_ molemmat
wenka, benka, e/i ..... kuori, kerros [7/14]
-ya, ?-uya ..... Eld -ksi (translatiivi)